

Publications issues du projet

  • S. Poggi · R. Le Cointe · J. Lehmhus · M. Plantegenest · L. Furlan (2021) Alternative Strategies for Controlling Wireworms in Field Crops: A Review. Agriculture 11 DOI

Wireworms, the soil-dwelling larvae of click beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae), comprise major pests of several crops worldwide, including maize and potatoes. The current trend towards the reduction in pesticides use has resulted in strong demand for alternative methods to control wireworm populations. This review provides a state-of-the-art of current theory and practice in order to develop new agroecological strategies. The first step should be to conduct a risk assessment based on the production context (e.g., crop, climate, soil characteristics, and landscape) and on adult and/or larval population monitoring. When damage risk appears significant, prophylactic practices can be applied to reduce wireworm abundance (e.g., low risk rotations, tilling, and irrigation). Additionally, curative methods based on natural enemies and on naturally derived insecticides are, respectively, under development or in practice in some countries. Alternatively, practices may target a reduction in crop damage instead of pest abundance through the adoption of selected cultural practices (e.g., resistant varieties, planting and harvesting time) or through the manipulation of wireworm behavior (e.g., companion plants). Practices can be combined in a global Integrated Pest Management (IPM) framework to provide the desired level of crop protection.

  • S. Poggi · M. Sergent · Y. Mammeri · M. Plantegenest ·  R. Le Cointe ·  Y. Bourhis (2021) Dynamic role of grasslands as sources of soil-dwelling insect pests: new insights from in silico experiments for pest management strategies. Ecological Modelling 440 DOI

Sustainable pest control strategies hinge on the knowledge of movement ecology within the agricultural landscape where contrasted habitat qualities intermingle, thereby influencing arthropod dispersal. Hence, habitat manipulation in space and time can be a lever for action to control pests with regard to landscape compositional constraints. In this study, we examined the role of grassland arrangements in field colonisation by soil-dwelling pests within a dynamic agricultural landscape, and discussed the implications for pest management with a focus on wireworms. For this purpose, we proposed a framework combining (i) a spatially explicit and mechanistic model describing the pest population dynamics in both aerial and soil compartments involved along its life cycle, and (ii) spatiotemporal representations of various landscape contexts. We addressed the role of grassland in plot history, in plot neighbourhood, or in both history and neighbourhood. Our results show that species with a short life cycle are more responsive to changes in land use, and that the neighbourhood effect strongly relies on dispersal mechanisms (random vs directed movements). We also highlight how the arrangement of grassy landscape elements in space and time can mitigate crop infestation by soil-dwelling pests, thereby emphasizing the relevance of managing grassland regimes. Once informed by critical pest life traits, our approach opens avenue for the exploration of the spatiotemporal land use manipulation meant for pest management. Future research consists in the exploration of suppressive patterns in simplified but realistic agricultural landscapes, generated under agronomic constraints at the farm or landscape scales.

  • F. Mahéo · J. Lehmhus · Ph. Larroudé · R. Le Cointe (2020) Un outil moléculaire simple et abordable pour identifier les larves de taupins du genre Agriotes. Cahier des Techniques INRAE n°102
  • R. Le Cointe · M. Plantegenest · S. Poggi (2020) Une méthode simple pour élever des larves de taupins du genre Agriotes en conditions contrôlées. Cahier des Techniques INRAE n°100
  • R. Le Cointe · Y. Girault · T. Morvan · J.‑B. Thibord · P. Larroudé · G. Lecuyer · M. Plantegenest · D. Bouille · S. Poggi  (2020) Feeding pests as an IPM strategy: wireworms as a case study. 3rd Annual International Branch Virtual Symposium of the Entomological Society of America (ESA)
  • S. Poggi · R. Le Cointe · J.-B. Riou · P. Larroudé · J.‑B. Thibord · M. Plantegenest (2018) Taupins sur maïs: importance relative des facteurs de risque. Phytoma 717:37-40 

Publications antérieures au projet

  • S. Poggi · R. Le Cointe · J.-B. Riou · P. Larroudé · J.‑B. Thibord · M. Plantegenest (2018) Relative influence of climate and agroenvironmental factors on wireworm damage risk in maize crops. Journal of Pest Science 91:585-599 DOI

A large-scale survey was carried out in 336 French fields to investigate the influence of soil characteristics, climate conditions, the presence of wireworms and the identity of predominant species, agricultural practices, field history and local landscape features on the damage caused by wireworms in maize. Boosted regression trees, a statistical model originating from the field of machine learning, were fitted to survey data and then used to hierarchize and weigh the relative influence of a large set of variables on the observed damage. Our study confirmed the relevance of an early assessment of wireworm populations to forecast crop damage. Results have shown that climatic factors were also major determinants of wireworm damage, especially the soil temperature around the sowing date, with a strong decrease in damage when it exceeds 12°C. Soil characteristics were ranked third in importance with a primary influence of pH, but also of organic matter content, and to a lesser extent of soil texture. Field history ranked next; in particular, our findings confirmed that a long-lasting meadow appeared favourable to wireworm damage. Finally, agriculture practices and landscape context (especially the presence of a meadow in the field vicinity) were also shown to influence wireworm damage but more marginally. Overall, the predicted damage appeared highly correlated with the observed one allowing us to produce the framework of a decision support system to forecast wireworm risk in maize crop.

  • J.-B. Thibord · P. Larroudé · A. Chabert · F. Villeneuve · E. Quilliot · M. Malet · M. Plantegenest · S. Poggi · J.-B. Riou · J.-C. Ogier · B Guéry · R. Rouzès · F. Barsics · S. Bonnissol · G. Cap (2017) Prévision des risques et élaboration de nouvelles techniques de lutte pour la protection des cultures contre les attaques de taupins. Innovations Agronomiques 55:215-233 PDF

De nombreuses cultures subissent chaque année des attaques de larves de taupins qui occasionnent des pertes de rendement ou une dégradation de la qualité des produits. La protection des cultures est réalisée préventivement grâce à l’application de produits phytopharmaceutiques. En absence de références récentes concernant la répartition des principales espèces présentes en France et le manque de connaissance concernant leur biologie, il n’est pas possible de prévoir les risques d’attaques de taupins. Plus de 700 enquêtes parcellaires ont été réalisées dans le but de cartographier les espèces de taupins puis d’identifier et hiérarchiser les facteurs susceptibles d’influencer l’abondance de larves de taupins et l’intensité des attaques occasionnées aux plantes cultivées. L’analyse des données a été réalisée sur des parcelles de maïs. Les caractéristiques de sol (pH, taux de matière organique, texture du sol) et la pluviométrie estivale sont des facteurs qui influencent l’abondance de larves de taupins dans le sol. Les conditions météorologiques subies avant et après le semis, le type de rotation – avec notamment la présence d’une prairie dans la parcelle ou dans son environnement proche – sont des facteurs qui modifient le risque d’attaques sur la culture. Ces enseignements permettent d’appréhender les risques mais il demeure difficile de caractériser un risque à l’échelle de la parcelle avec précision. En parallèle, des expérimentations réalisées au champ ont permis d’évaluer l’intérêt de champignons entomopathogènes Metarhizium anisopliae pour la protection de différentes cultures. D’autres essais ont démontré l’efficacité de glucosinolates avec une diminution des attaques de taupins de l’ordre de 50%. Des travaux en conditions contrôlées ont également mis en évidence la pertinence de stratégies innovantes basées sur l’usage de macroorganismes (nématodes entomopathogènes) ou de semiochimiques.

  • S. Saussure  · M. Plantegenest  · J.-B. Thibord  · P. Larroudé  · S. Poggi (2015) Management of wireworm damage in maize fields using new,  landscape-scale strategies. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 35:793-802 DOI

Crop-damaging wireworms—the soil-dwelling larvae of click beetles—have resurged in Europe over the past 15 years, particularly in French maize crops. There is currently no curative treatment available to control wireworms, and preventive treatments are mainly chemical. We therefore need to better understand factors that rule damage for developing agroecological control strategies. In this investigation, we tested the effect of agricultural practices and local landscape on wireworm damage in maize crops. We surveyed wireworm damage in 341 fields under various conditions in western France in 2011 and 2012. We used in particular a random forest algorithm to impute missing values and an automated model selection routine to select the best beta regression model. Our results show that the occurrence of grassland in the rotation increases wireworm damage. Tillage also shows a high influence, though varying with season and year. Wireworm damage is decreased by the presence of hedges or cultivated crops at the field border, whereas it is increased by the presence of grassland at the field border. Overall, our findings provide some insights to develop preventive solutions for the sustainable control of wireworms, as well as a framework for data processing to analyze a wide range of similar situations involving other crops and pests.

  • P. Larroudé · J.-B. Thibord · S. Bonnissol (2015) Espèces de taupins: une cartographie est désormais disponible. Perspectives Agricoles 427:46-49

Dix années de prélèvements ont mis en évidence la présence en France de quatre principales espèces de taupins, nuisibles aux cultures, du genre Agriotes. Au-delà des spécificités géographiques, leur répartition et leur fréquence, stables sur cette période, apparaissent liées à des facteurs pédoclimatiques et agronomiques.

Date de modification : 31 juillet 2023 | Date de création : 16 août 2018 | Rédaction : Sylvain Poggi / Ronan Le Cointe